@CGill 44393f9 beltonisd There is not currently a way to bulk import tickets. Alternatively, have you tried using ticket templates? This could help speed up the input of issues you need documented?
@CGill 44393f9 beltonisd While we always encourage users to log into the system and generate tickets (we see it as a training opportunity - even for those that don’t do it very often), we also understand that may not be the feasible for every scenario. You could also take this information from @curtis.bohlmeyer and have tickets generated from a Google form via the API! Check out this awesome link to learn how:
Curtis is also really great about answering any questions you might have.
@CGill 44393f9 beltonisd Thank you for submitting your question to our community!
Another thought on this one is if there are emails - you can forward an email to create a ticket. Once that ticket is created (if the workflows are similar) you can create a shortcut to add those resolution actions to that ticket.
Love to see the collaboration on this thread @arosenbaum_iiQ and @EStapf_iiQ
Thank you for the assistance everyone! I will look into these potential solutions.