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This may sound like a silly question/issue, but no one in my department (including myself) can figure out how to edit/add to the original request inn a ticket. Is it possible and, if so, how?

Hi @hmezza! Not a silly question at all! Do you want to change the actual ticket issue? If so, an easy way is to open the ticket, click on the dropdown next to More, and then click Change Issue. Let us know if this works, or do you want to know how to change the ticket type?


Thanks for the prompt response!


No, I’m looking to change the initial description of the issue.

Unfortunately, users are unable to change the description of the issue, but this would be a great suggestion for Idea Exchange!
Something that may be useful is you can edit any custom fields within the ticket. Hope this helps!


upvote please

Thank you @matt_snead for upvoting the following idea. The more votes the better ✅



The fact we cannot edit the description of a submitted ticket is really unacceptable. Lets go, get this fixed please

@jcatania Thank you for your feedback. I have added this to the idea thread linked above. 😄
