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We’ve been experiencing intermittent issues with IncidentIQ kicking back email-submitted tickets with an “Invalid e-mail” error.  We’ve had this occur 21times in the last six months, with no clear pattern of what is triggering it. We’ve tested sending the identical message from different users and at different times and it goes through with no error.


The error body is:

Incident IQ Log in to Incident IQ Login to Incident IQ Invalid e-mail v*******] We've received your request to create a ticket from e-mail, however we were unable to match the email format to what your site admin has setup within Incident IQ. Please make sure the email address you are sending to matches the address given by your site admin. Please contact your site admin for further help.


The bulk of our tickets come in via email, and this is resulting in some being lost, which doesn’t build staff confidence in IIQ or the IT support function in general.  We have a support ticket open with IncidentIQ since early this month but with no resolution so far.


Has anyone else experienced this? Any ideas on possible causes?




@RFord 133f41c lpsma Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I just followed up with support for you, and they are still working on it. You should get an update soon 😄

Hello @RFord 133f41c lpsma and @Kathryn Carter. I thought I would mention, we have seen something similar to this when a user has an auto reply out of office message set up. They end up receiving the following message: 

Your email with the subject Automatic reply: Invalid e-mail could not be parsed by IncidentIQ. The reason it failed is: RelatedTicketDetail is invalid.

Please verify the FROM email address matches the username or email you have registered in IncidentIQ, and that you are sending the email to the correct address.


Most likely due to it being a no-reply email address. 

@Erica Thank you for adding your thoughts here! Love this simple fix! 😄

Every now and then we get something similar with one or two users. Not always the same ones but it usually has to do (I think) with something from our SIS side that syncs and changes the email from to and then it fails. I edit the user manually and it works again.

@bclark Coming in hot with another work around! Thank you for adding your advice here 😄

We have seen this intermittently last 2 months.  Can’t reproduce and when check user email in iiQ it does match. 

@CLee 1176405 shakopee Please submit a support ticket. 😄

Hello @RFord 133f41c lpsma and @Kathryn Carter. I thought I would mention, we have seen something similar to this when a user has an auto reply out of office message set up. They end up receiving the following message: 

Your email with the subject Automatic reply: Invalid e-mail could not be parsed by IncidentIQ. The reason it failed is: RelatedTicketDetail is invalid.

Please verify the FROM email address matches the username or email you have registered in IncidentIQ, and that you are sending the email to the correct address.


Most likely due to it being a no-reply email address. 

This is exactly what I’ve run into with one of our users. What’s odd is that they’re only setting up an out of office auto reply email--which shouldn’t elicit an automated IIQ response (just guessing here).

@MSanchez 900a492 polkschoolsfl Please submit a ticket to support for this issue. 

We’ve been seeing this for a long time. Out of Office replies are what’s causing it. I’ve let our CSM know about it numerous times - going back to last summer - she has reported it but she hasn’t been able to get any updates on it. Hopefully with enough examples here something can be done about it??

@jclark I will be sure to bring this up in our next meeting with product as well! 

@jclark I will be sure to bring this up in our next meeting with product as well! 

Thank you! I’ll submit a ticket as well.

One of our users just brought this up to me for the first time today.

It’s the same “Your email with the subject Automatic reply: Invalid e-mail could not be parsed by IncidentIQ. The reason it failed is: RelatedTicketDetail is invalid - Subject: Automatic reply: Invalid e-mail...” email.

I thought it was caused by the “Reject ticket from email creation” action that we have setup in our rules to prevent tickets from being created from Automatic replies, but I guess it’s not?
Should I open a ticket as well?

@MAndrada 510b733 powayusd They will be able to look deeper into the back end than I can. I would suggest a ticket. 

Has there been any resolution or updates to this issue?

I have not heard from support on this issue. ​@MAndrada 510b733 powayusd Any insight on the information provided to you by support? 

I have a user who is very concernced that they have recevied this notifcation email twice within the last month, but never attempted to submit a ticket.



@JCannon 1730080 wps Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄 Have you submitted a support ticket for this yet? If not, please do so 

