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Is there a way to make adding a comment required when changing the ticket status.  We would like to have a comment required when the ticket is escalated to a higher level tech or when we move the ticket to Facilities (we have a custom status that unassings the ticket, removes followers, then moves it from Ticket to Facilities).  It would be nice to know why the ticket is being escalated or moved.

@amac Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

This would be a great enhancement for our platform, but it is not possible now. There is an enhancement that will be coming soon about requiring actions on tickets, and hopefully, adding a comment will be supported by the new enhancement. 

Could a change in status trigger a Custom field that asks for more information?

@amac It could not because we cannot add actions via rules. However, here is an idea that is similar to what you are requesting. (not the same but similar)

