Is it possible to modify ticket notification subject line to include more detail?
We have a ticker that uses the subject line to display and would like to have an email sent on ticket creation with ticket number, subject, location etc.
I tried creating a rule but did not see a way to create variables or expressions in the email rule.
For instance are old system web help desk had this:
- <ticket_id> = Ticket number
- <request_type> = Request Type
- <status_type> = Status Type
- <priority_type> = Priority Type
- <client> = Client's full name
- <client_short> = Client's first initial and last name
- <client_phone> = Client's primary phone
- <client_email> = Client's primary e-mail
- <assigned_to> = Party responsible for Ticket (Tech, Tech Group, or manager)
- <assigned_to_short> = Short form of <assigned_to> (uses initials for first names)
- <tech> = Tech's full name
- <tech_short> = Tech's first initial and last name
- <tech_phone> = Tech's primary phone
- <tech_email> = Tech's primary e-mail
- <room> = Room
- <location> = Location
- <model> = Model number
- <subject> = Subject
- <report> = Report
- <due_datetime> = Date & time Ticket is due
- <scheduled_datetime> = Date & time Ticket is scheduled to be worked on
- <work_datetime> = The same as <scheduled_datetime> (backward compatibility)
- <work_time> = Work time recorded in Ticket Tech Notes
- <custom_1> = 1st custom field
- <custom_2> = 2nd custom field
- <custom_n> = nth custom field