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We use subtickets that has the parent ticket in Facilities and then a subticket gets generated when a certain question in the parent ticket is answered accordingly. The subticket then gets switched to the Ticketing side via rules. We are having issues with the room not being transferred to the subticket from the parent ticket.

@NSchroeder 2202fcb arrowhead Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

Can you give me an example ticket number I can look into? 

@Kathryn Carter Tickets 1175 and 1176. Ticket 1176 did not carry over the room from ticket 1175.

@NSchroeder 2202fcb arrowhead Looking over the first ticket, it looks like the room number was not added: 


@Kathryn Carter I added a Room custom field as a workaround for this issue. The room that doesn’t get carried over is the one at the top of the ticket where it shows the Location and Room.



@NSchroeder 2202fcb arrowhead Thank you for clarifying that the room does not show on the subticket; it just shows the location. You are already using the workaround I would suggest for you by adding a custom field. 😄

@Kathryn Carter Can this be fixed so that the proper area is updated to reflect the parent ticket’s room?

@NSchroeder 2202fcb arrowhead That would be an enhancement request that you can submit here:

Here is an idea I found similar to your request: 


@Kathryn Carter I added a Room custom field as a workaround for this issue. The room that doesn’t get carried over is the one at the top of the ticket where it shows the Location and Room.



This issue is not resolved. This idea is to ask for the parent room to be transferred to the sub ticket. In the image above, the sub ticket #1176 should have a location of South Campus and a room of SC Library that should transfer from the parent ticket #1175.

@NSchroeder 2202fcb arrowhead I just reopened this idea so please direct your feedback to this thread: 

There is another idea that is also relevant to this thread: 

