
Requested on Behalf of Variable Field


Good Morning,

Our district is currently working on submitting tickets in bulk using created ticket templates. Our intention was to submit tickets for assets that have associated owners, in order to have the owner of the assets captured as the requestor field. Since Ticket Templates default to the Ticket Submitter for requestor, and the ‘Requested by’ and ‘Requested for’ actions require specific users to be filled in, we are looking for a way to map other fields to the Requested for / Requested By field.

Are there any solutions that could accommodate this? Our intention is to be able to utilize fee tracking with these tickets, which requires the tickets be ‘on the behalf of’ the associated asset’s owner.

Thank you in advance! 

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@RCutler 18055f2 clayton Thank you for submitting your question. 

Could you add a custom field to the ticket template to add that additional name? Maybe from a user drop down? 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@RCutler 18055f2 clayton I just wanted to follow up on this thread. 
