Staff starting tickets


Recently, we have seen an issue where our teachers are able to click “start ticket” after creating a ticket, which assigns said ticket to them. This creates a problem because our team won’t necessarily see these tickets unless we pore through all our open tickets. Has anyone else experienced this issue?

11 replies

Userlevel 3
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I’d be suspicious that something changed with the Permissions v2.0 rolout as we’ve had a few things change unexpectedly. You should look at whatever Permissions profile the teachers have (Admin > Permissions), and if you search for Tickets > Tickets > Work Tickets that would be the box that would be checked that is allowing them to click “Start Ticket.” Un-tick that (and anything else in there that seems unusual) and I’d imagine that would fix your problem.

Userlevel 7
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@MDrew 393fdd0 chelmsford This does sound like a new permissions enhancement unexpected change. Is this happening for all of your teachers?

Thank you @PBauchan 650c0fd mvsd for the quick respond and solution. 


I would look at your permission like @PBauchan 650c0fd mvsd suggested to make sure that the “Work Ticket” permission option is not enabled for your teachers. 


Here are two knowledge base guides around the Enhanced Permissions: 





Hi Hannah,


Yes, we ensured that the “Work Ticket” permission option was unchecked for both the staff and faculty roles. That makes it especially odd that the issue keeps happening. Thus far, we have seen this with about a dozen teachers. 

Userlevel 3
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Is it possible that some settings were spun off as part of that migration and so those teachers are being caught up in a secondary policy? For example, as part of the migration we had a bunch of User-scoped permissions that were created (so Agent X not only had the “Agent” Permission policy but also had an “Agent X” Permission policy. I wish there was an easy way to search by user to see what permissions are granted to them but I don’t think there is.

Userlevel 7
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@MDrew 393fdd0 chelmsford I have looked into your site and see that option is not enabled. I have looped in your dedicated CSM and our support team. 

Apologizes for this inconvenience. 

Hi - David from West Contra Costa USD, here. This exact issue is happening with us, too. I’ve gone so far as to create entirely new policies and ensuring “Work ticket” is not selected. We have dozens of teachers that have started a ticket and assigned it to themselves.

Userlevel 7
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@DOliver 8708490 wccusd and @MDrew 393fdd0 chelmsford 

Discovered the over site here. There is a Site Option that controls what “follower” of ticket can do with tickets. When a user submits a ticket they are automatically made a follower of a ticket.  

So the “Follower Delegation” site options will need to be adjust and remove the “” option. 



The reason we’ve enabled in our Follower Delegation section is so that agents can reassign and work tickets that aren’t in their respective teams.

Userlevel 7
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 @DOliver 8708490 wccusd 

Okay, so you can create a rule that when a ticket is created “Remove all Followers.” Have the rule “continue to the next rule” and move this rule to the top of the rules list.

This will remove the requestor as a “follower” but they are still the “owner” of the ticket. So they will continue to have access and receive all the notifications regarding this ticket. Removing them as follower removed their access to work the ticket. 

Attached a video of me testing out this workflow. Please let me know if could work for you.





 @DOliver 8708490 wccusd 

Okay, so you can create a rule that when a ticket is created “Remove all Followers.” Have the rule “continue to the next rule” and move this rule to the top of the rules list.

Thanks for your quick responses! If I create this rule, it will remove any followers/ccs that the requester added when creating the ticket though, right?


Userlevel 7
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Correct, that is the downside of this, if you have that site option “Prompt for additional users to be notified when creating tickets” where you allow requestors to add people as followers when submitting a ticket. It will remove those users as followers of the ticket as well. 


