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Good afternoon,

I noticed that my role of guests when completing the remote support ticketing form are able to view ticket details, but those email addresses whom are tied to a parent/guardian role are being asked to sign in. Further, those with the parent/guardian role are not getting an email from the system on ticket submission. 

I do have a ticket in with incidentiq on this, but I was curious if anyone else is seeing similar?


Hey @jbartruff 
Sorry, it took a few days. Have been investing and testing this out. 

Found your support ticket and have reached out to the development team for more information and investigation. 

Can you provide us with a ticket number where they used the remote support ticketing app, and the email was not sent?


I think this is working.  Can you confirm that emails are batched and send about every 5 minutes?    Rather than sending an email update to followers after every action or update.



@nathaniel_lindley - Any updates ticket will fire off in the same cadence in a “roll-up” style notification containing updates made within the last 5-10 minutes.
