Ticket Templates, or am I barking up the wrong tree?

  • 5 January 2024
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Hi friends,

It’s late, and while my dog Luna is here providing me with moral support (read: snoring), I’ve been poking around iiQ for the last few hours. By the way, kudos to all the folks who worked on Enhanced Quick Tickets. Those are pretty cool and a big time saver for several types of tasks.

But, even with Luna's zen vibes, I've hit a snag.

What I’d really like is the ability for agents to quickly submit tickets—via a Quick Ticket or Ticket Template—with the following functionality:

  1. Have the ticket type, issue category, and issue preselected (currently doable)
  2. Include a field for the agent to add an asset tag to the ticket, without requiring them to re-select the type, category, and issue (currently not doable, as far as I know)

I figure such a feature would be ideal in situations where a particular type of asset often experiences the same issue—which is common in schools where devices of the same model are purchased in bulk.

For instance, my district provides iPads to students and they’re all the same model. Each week, a least a handful of kiddos break their iPad screen. It’d save our agents a lot of time if we could build a pre-populated Ticket Template called “iPad Broken Screen,” but it needs a field to add the device’s asset tag to the ticket so we know which iPad is which. To my knowledge, we can’t do this right now.

I realized what I am describing is essentially what I floated over on Idea Exchange awhile back. It could probably be done with an action in the Ticket Template’s workflow details without breaking too many other things.

That said, am I correct in saying that such a functionality doesn’t currently exist? Or am I missing something? (Very possible.)

“Dreamin’ of bein’ in pupper product meetin', barkin' up ideas for treat-based incentives and snooze-efficient workflows. How's 'bout we add 'em to the backlog, iiQ? Ruff!” — Luna 🐾

Okay, signing off before Luna wakes up and thinks it's breakfast time.

4 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +1

First off, love the dog, absolutely adorable. Second, this feature doesn’t exist as far as I can tell, but it would honestly be amazing for everyone submitting tickets, Even from a staff/student perspective, they could submit tickets for specific assets, but it would be easier than finding the correct ticket path. Hopefully it gets implemented.

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@zige Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

First, your dog is adorable. Thank you for sharing! We need to do a Show us your animals post! My two pups would be so excited to actually be visible instead of the stray barks during Open Office Hours. 

Second, thank you for sharing your feedback. Our product team has already noted this post. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

@zige I spoke with @EStapf_iiQ for a workaround for this, and her idea was truly brilliant. 

You can add a custom field for the asset tag (make it required) so you will enter the asset tag into the ticket. This allows you to have that tag within the ticket instead of having to click through again and start by adding that asset from the beginning.

When creating the custom field, the key is having the field type: iiQ Asset. 

Let us know if you need any additional assistance! 

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Nice job, @EStapf_iiQ! That is a great workaround to ensure the asset tag gets entered into the ticket.

That said, the only remaining quirk is that this doesn’t link the ticket to the asset. That’s probably okay in some situations, but if you want to check the history of an asset, this ticket won’t appear.

May not be a big deal depending on the use case, but worth recognizing for reporting purposes.

But now we can at least ensure the asset appears in the ticket, which is more than what we had previously!
