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When a teacher wants to start a ticket and clicks on My Assets on the left side, it shows all the chromebooks and devices assigned to their classroom.  I have had about 5 teachers in the last week tell me that they are unable to click on an individual device listed to start a ticket on it.  Is there a setting we’re missing to have teacher’s be able to add the asset/serial number to their ticket?

Thank you for your question! I logged in as one of your teachers and it appears some assets in their My Assets area are for a different location than the teachers SSO mapped location on their iiQ user profile. Within this teachers permission policy for Campus Administration - SOP it appears their assets and locations have a location condition applied confining them to only being able to submit a ticket for assets that matches the teachers users location and will not allow the teacher to submit a ticket for an asset that it mapped to a differing location. Districts have modified this by including the additional locations to the conditions in the permission policies or editing the assets location. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
