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Forgive me if this has been posted somewhere. A quick search didn’t find the answer I’m looking for…

We have user accounts being created through Google SSO. We also have data syncing from our SIS (Infinite Campus).

I’m working on reconciling some student data in iiQ and we have many that are not linked to a SIS user. Some of these are actually inactive in our SIS, so their Google accounts should be deactivated.

However, I’ve already found 2 that are in iiQ’s backend “database” and manually linked them. Before I keep going down the path, is there something I should check in our iiQ data mappings to ensure these accounts are getting linked? Or is the issue in Infinite Campus?

These are not newly-created accounts. At least one student has logged in to their Google account if that would matter.


@AMeyer Greendale Schools 

When you say “manually link them”, are you merging the accounts in iiQ? So there are two accounts created for one user?


I don’t see multiple accounts in iiQ. On the user’s profile page, near the bottom, I was seeing “not linked to SIS user” and I was manually linking them there.

It may have been temporary, as I just looked at our users that SHOULD be linked and they’re correct again.

@AMeyer Greendale Schools 

I am glad to hear they are syncing correctly again. If this happens again, i would suggest submitting a support ticket so our team can take a closer look into the integrations. 

@Hannah Bailey 

I’m going through my list again and realized a few of the users had 2 accounts in iiQ - one with the correct email, one without.


When merging these users, it looks like SIS user link is not carrying over. Is that correct behavior? I did wait about 15 minutes after merging one and still don’t see the link.

@AMeyer Greendale Schools So the two accounts have different email addresses? But are for the same user?

Doesn't seem right to me, but this is without looking into your site.  I would reach out to our support team.



Thanks Hannah. I checked in with my coworkers, and the duplicates are partially a result of changing our student email address setup. Kindergarten students had a different naming convention for a while, but this has changed and all students have the same naming convention.

I’ll put a ticket in later today - I’m seeing a bunch of weird user/asset data issues with our instance of iiQ.

