A parent in our district was hired as an employee. As a parent, she has a guest IIQ account (janedoe@gmail.com) and has put in Guest tickets as a parent. She started as an employee today so her Google credentials (jdoe1234@ourdomain) were created today.
I am trying to get Campus/Google to sync her employee information to IIQ so I can make her an IIQ agent, but it keeps syncing her as a parent/Guest. I tried manually editing her IIQ user information and changing her email/username from her personal gmail to her district email address and changing her access from Guest to Agent, but she's unable to SSO in even after I reran the Campus-IIQ and Google-IIQ syncs so I changed it back.
It looks like Campus and Google are sharing her employee information on the Guest account (for instance, Google shows the OU her employee account is in) but the username on the account remains her personal email.
There are not two accounts for her, so I can’t merge her Guest and Agent accounts. Does anyone know how to fix this?