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I have an issue where when a ticket is in level 2 or 3 or assigned to manager, we have reasons we want them to stay there and a over zealis level 1 tech assigned the ticket to themselves and works on it, sometimes we are waiting on the “go ahead approval” or have other factors, etc where we don’t want this to happen.


I have tried making custom permissions but I cannot seem to achieve what I want.

Does anyone have an idea how i can solve this?

I just don’t want level 1 agents to be able to either see or assign level 2 and 3 tickets to themselves.  My main concern which i have seen happen many times is we send a level 2 or 3 person to actively work at a site on an issue and the level 1 person just takes the ticket and starts working on it at the same time, this is something that we would like to stop.


When we had web help desk it was possible to make certain ticket categories or level not visable to other levels.


Happy Holidays ​@TCummings 9174959 juhsd,

Looking at your site and workflow, we should be able to utilize Site Option Assignment Delegations for how your Tier 1 agents are able to view/work/resolve tickets and then we can restrict their permissions so that they will only be able to see and work tickets that they or their team are assigned to.

  1. We’ll start on the Permissions level. For your Agents policy, you’ll want to remove the permission ‘Work Tickets’ and you can also remove the ‘View Ticket List Details’. This will remove their ability to view or work tickets.
  2. You’ll go to Admin > Site Options and scroll to the ‘Tickets’ section. You’ll see Assignment Delegation and Assignment Delegation for Teams. These settings will allow you to dictate what your agents will be able to do based on assignment of the ticket or team assignment of the ticket and if they are not assigned by either parameter, they will only have the permissions allowed in the permission policy.
  3. Your rules look in place for the routing to the correct agents/teams, but you’ll be able to configure those by going to Admin > Rules > Tickets

So once you remove the permissions, this will restrict their ticket access unless assigned, which should be the workflow you’re looking for. You can create a test user and assign them to the corresponding team and permission policy to confirm the correct visibility and be able to adjust as needed.

Hopefully, this information helps your workflow! 


We dealt with a similar issue, but were not willing to use the site option to delegate assignment for users, as we have 66,000 students in the system who could accidentally be assigned a ticket. That seemed to us like a disaster waiting to happen. The delegate option was actually working pretty well before non-agents could be assigned. So just a note to consider that accidental assignees could be a potential pitfall - any user assigned a ticket will be able to view/work/resolve. 

One way that we’ve worked around it is to create “dummy” locations and restrict access in permissions to work tickets at only that location (or excluding that location). We use these in permissions to help us give/restrict access to tickets that have non-public information, but don’t necessarily need to be tied to a building location. For instance, we have supervisor approvals for time off that agents who see all tickets at the location should not see - those have the location switched to a “Z-Approvals” location upon submission. I can imagine creating the rules to change the location to a dummy location and then switch back to the original upon resolution… you could use a tag as the trigger or the priority level, maybe? 

Just a thought.

Yes, i don’t really see a solution to this issue.

Thank you for the feedback ​@ACampbell 717f23b friscoisd! We did recognize the possibility of unintentional ticket assignment and to counter this possibility, we did make a default Agent filter when assigning users to a ticket so this should help correct that issue.


I think the Site Option Assignment Delegations would still be the strongest workflow for addressing ​@TCummings 9174959 juhsd’s workflow and tags and priority level are available features. You might lose some reporting potential utilizing other locations.


And ​@TCummings 9174959 juhsd, we can get your CSM involved to look into this workflow and see what we can do to make sure that visibility isn’t a problem for your site.

We have the technicians already assigned by sites, this does not work for us, we want team tier permissions to not be able to modify a ticket assigned to a higher tier. This is not solved nor is this a solution.

Good afternoon ​@TCummings 9174959 juhsd 

Recently I have taken over as you guys’ CSM, i would love for you to follow up on this with me via email, we we can schedule some time to work on this together! I will send you a private message with that info as well as a link to my calendar!

