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I am attempting to create a report of the assigned rooms for my staff and I’m not finding “assigned room” as one of the options to select in the view. Am I missing something?

Silly Question, but which service is the custom view for? Assets? Tickets?


Doesn’t seem to be available category in Users yet. I guess that’s an idea to pitch to them. I’ll put every category into a new few and nada. 

Hello, @ajz1982. Unfortunately, this is currently not a feature within the platform yet. This would be a great addition for our idea exchange. I am adding the link below if you would like to share your idea. I can see how this could be a beneficial enhancement to your workflow!

This would be very beneficial to have this ability for elementary teachers.  I can run a list of chromebooks they have assigned to their room and give it to them for reference.

Silly Question, but which service is the custom view for? Assets? Tickets?

Custom views are available for Tickets, Assets, Users, and Parts. It is not based on the different modules your district has purchased. 


@j_collinswb - Want to make sure I understand. You are assigning the Chromebooks to the teacher's room instead of the students?

I have chromebooks assigned to students, but I also put the students into assigned rooms.  I was hoping to create a view that included “assigned room” but appears its not possible.  It was really to generate a list I can provide to homeroom teachers.


@j_collinswb There is a work around for you to pull that list! It might not have everything you are looking for but it could give you a start. 

I went to “Asset Explorer” / the building the room was in “Apple Tree Middle” / then I added a filter and searched for “Room”. Once I selected a room it pulled the list of devices, model, location, owner and audit verification status. I have attached a screenshot too. I hope this helps 😄


Can the room filter be added to the user explorer so that a list can be exported with users and their assigned rooms? 

We would like to export a list of staff members with their assigned room numbers but the “room” filter is not an option under user explorer.  It is an option under asset explorer and I know I can add the “asset owner” column to the view but the staff members are not assigned the assets associated in their room so they would not be listed there.

This is the filter we need for user explorer:


@Meganr Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

This is an existing idea exchange item. Please upvote and add your comment there! 

