
Fee tracker for previous user


This should be a simple process, but at moment it is not. At our school, if a device is assessed a fee, it is assigned to the device and connected to the student that had the device. If that device is fixed and reissued to another person, there is not an easy way to pull the fee history in a CSV file as we need to send out fee emails to parents. So, for example…


Device 123 was used by Johnny. Johnny broke the screen and was assessed $50 for the damage. Device 123 was fixed and reissued to Bob. When I look at the snapshot, I see that Bob has the device and does not have a fee. I need to pull up a bulk CSV that will show Johnny, his fee, the asset tag, model description, etc… that has the $50 fee. Is there a way to do this?


Thank you!


Best answer by Kathryn Carter 11 May 2023, 20:25

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7 replies

Userlevel 7
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@CSmith 653280b crowleyisd Thank you for submitting your question. 

Are you looking for just Johnny? If so, you can generate a statement for him. In this statement, it will provide you with the date, asset tag, and the amount owed. Here is a screenshot of an example. 

I found this by going to the User Profile and clicking generate statement under Fee Tracker. 

I hope this helps 😄


No, I need to be able to pull up a bulk CSV file. We have 100s of students and looking each person up isn't feasible. The issue is with devices they are no longer assigned to. I need to see all current charges a student has in addition to the item that the charge was assigned to. There has to be a way to do it since the data is there, but not finding it. We have close to 600 if not more students that fall into this situation, so individual lookups is not time efficient.

Userlevel 7
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@CSmith 653280b crowleyisd Alright, you can pull a report of all transactions within Fee Tracker. 

Incident IQ Apps > Manage > Fee Tracker > Export tab

This will export a list with all the information you asked for. It will show ALL transactions you have, including those already paid for. They are listed next to each other, so filtering those out of your CSV file should be easy. Let me know how that works for you! 😄


Awesome! Please dont throw anything at me, but where is the Manage option at? 😅 I see on left side, Im guessing thats where it would be...Dashboard, Tickets, Assets, Knowledge Base, Users, Places, and Analytics. I dont have full Admin rights but some. Not sure if that is the case. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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@CSmith 653280b crowleyisd As a former teacher, I never threw anything hard like a marker, but my mini stuffed mandrake on my desk, fair game! 😆

You will need access to Apps, so it looks like something your iiQ admin needs to export for you! They can follow the same steps as above to get that report for you.



Gotcha, that makes sense. I tried to set it up through Users which worked, but the Export option didn't give an Asset option for the columns. I will reach out to our Admin to see if they can help/add it. Thanks!

Userlevel 7
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@CSmith 653280b crowleyisd Here is an idea to upvote for exporting all the columns 😄

