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I have a staff member that I am needing to delete out of our iiQ system. How do I go about that?

iiQ does not recommend deleting users directly in the account if you have SSO. A deleted user would be recreated in the overnight sync. In these cases, you will want to adjust settings within your integration to automatically deactivate inactive user accounts.

While I understand not deleting accounts for students who are withdrawn and may return, as well as staff who may rehire, wouldn’t it make sense to delete records for students who have graduated? 

Unless there is an unpaid fee or device not turned in (which should be a fee anyways), is there a reason to keep the user records?

Or do the ticket and asset records only link to a user record rather than have the data replicated in those tables?

@Carina Burns Randolph 
We suggest making the changes in your SSO and not deleting them within iiQ because of the nightly sync. We will set the users into the “no access” role so we do not lose the data tied to the user. 


There is a new feature since this question has been asked about the Grace period for re-linking to the existing iiQ account.

A setting in your SSO where you can indicate the number of days that should pass before iiQ creates a new user account if a user with the same name and email appears in the SSO. By default, the grace period is set to 365 days. This setting is read-only for customers and editable by iiQ Admin Employees. That does have to be changed by an iiQ support specialist. 


Thank you for the reply.   I would suggest that one more change may be needed with the grace period function - or perhaps a behavior we ran into should be documented somewhere.

We had rehires this summer where users marked with no access were not updating to the staff role when their ClassLink/AD status was updated.  The SSO sync sets ALL employees with the staff role and the SIS sync marks staff who are teachers with the faculty role. If the sync ran out of order, users had wrong roles. To address this, we were told to specify that SIS should always set the roles (in SIS, there are no staff, only teachers).  However as soon as you specify SIS as the main app for roles, the SSO app will never update any No Access users.   It seems that each sync should run completely even if an app is set to “win” setting a field.  Basically because we don’t have faculty in their own OU, the order in which the integration syncs launched was blocking the update. 

I have a user I added manually in the first few days of using IncidentIq when they did not sync from Google because they were in the wrong Google OU. I corrected them in Google but since that user name (email address) exist now in IncidentIq they are not updating during the sync. That is preventing SSO to work for them, What do I do.

@mmorris 1005e18 abseconschools Please submit a support ticket for this! Support will be able to go in and help sort this out. 

Hey so we also are having a scenario where a user was created in Google SSO but there was a name misspelled so that user is deleted from Google admin but then a new user is created with the correct spelling. So now there is no way for me to as an IIQ admin to delete the account in IIQ instead of setting the account to No Access.

Hey so we also are having a scenario where a user was created in Google SSO but there was a name misspelled so that user is deleted from Google admin but then a new user is created with the correct spelling. So now there is no way for me to as an IIQ admin to delete the account in IIQ instead of setting the account to No Access.

When that happens to us we merge the accounts in iiQ. We take the bad one, edit the user, click on actions underneath the user profile info and choose merge user. On the next screen you put in the target account to merge it with. There is a toggle at the top to simulate the merge (default) or actually merge it.

@JPisani 803812b lcalions I would echo @bclark and suggest merging the users. 

Hey so we also are having a scenario where a user was created in Google SSO but there was a name misspelled so that user is deleted from Google admin but then a new user is created with the correct spelling. So now there is no way for me to as an IIQ admin to delete the account in IIQ instead of setting the account to No Access.

When that happens to us we merge the accounts in iiQ. We take the bad one, edit the user, click on actions underneath the user profile info and choose merge user. On the next screen you put in the target account to merge it with. There is a toggle at the top to simulate the merge (default) or actually merge it.

Does anyone know if the user merge can be done in Bulk? 

To my knowledge it can’t be done in bulk. Would love to be wrong there. When the issue first came up for us, and when we learned how to fix it, we had something like 120 accounts duplicated. It took awhile to go through. Now myself and one of our agents checks it on a regular basis. I have a saved view to look for those users and our agent gets a weekly ticket created via scheduling to serve as a reminder to go in and clean it up.

@mtb_tech currently there is not a way to merge in bulk. 

I would suggest adding that to our idea exchange:



When creating a new user with the correct spelling, is it the same email address when you recreate them in Google SSO?
