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How to Map custom values from localAdSso to IIQ Work or Mobile Phone Number fileds

  • 27 November 2022
  • 9 replies

I have a custom mapping, but the mapping is no updating user fields.


9 replies

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Hi @PTranchida 4235870 rochester, thanks for reaching out! It appears you have taken the right steps in setting this up to pull over those fields, so you may want to double check the case for these fields against what is listed in AD. Since they are case sensitive, that could be what is causing this data to not pull over. You will want to ensure these fields are typed correctly in your sync executable as well so IIQ can read them from AD. Please feel free to reach back out if you have any additional questions or concerns!


Hello, I validated the fields in AD and the case sensitive is the same.  Where in IIQ can you view the “Work Phone” and “Mobile Phone” fields? When I look at a Users profile in IIQ, all I see is “Phone”.  


Userlevel 7
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@PTranchida 4235870 rochester Thank you for your additional details. I have submitted a ticket internally and hopefully we can gain some clarity. Hang in there and I will comment here with more information. 😄

Userlevel 7
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@PTranchida 4235870 rochester Thank you for your patience on a reply. 

Our product team has gotten back to me and you can only pull over 1 phone number into the system currently. The mapping for phone number in the screenshot (Work Phone/Mobile Phone) needs to be set in concert with the Phone number mapping logic (see below), which is configurable from the same screen.

I hope this helps 😄



So there is no way to display multiple numbers (Office number and Mobile Number).  Also, the explanation above, refers to importing from Microsoft Active Directory.  We want to map the IIQ Telephone field to a custom AD field.  I already have IIQ setup import the Work and Mobile Phone from AD, but how do you set one of them to the IIQ Telephone number field? (See images above from the previous posts)


For example, I want the custom AD filed called ipPhone to be mapped to the IIQ Telephone field.  I have the AD sync set to “Don’t Import” since I do not want to use either AD mobile or AD work field.  I am confused as to where the mobile and telephone number in the image are coming from?


Userlevel 7
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@PTranchida 4235870 rochester You will need to only map one phone number into our system and it will need to be through the “import telephone” mapping option for AD. 


Hello Kathryn, if we have to use “import telephone”, I am unsure as to where the import telephone or the import mobile phone fields are associated with? For example, if I say “import telephone”, where is the data for this coming from as Ad does not have a telephone attribute.


I have a AD Attribute called “ipPhone” that I want to map to the IIQ Users Profile “Phone” field, but confused on who to do this?

Userlevel 7
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@PTranchida 4235870 rochester I have reached out to your CSM - she should be reaching out to you soon to help get this number mapped for you 😄
