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It’s it possible to filter a user view by Locked users?

Hi @DKelly 430e93d tonacsd Thanks for your question. 

Are you referring to no access users? For that, you can add the role filter and then no access. 😄

I hope this is what you are looking for.

@DKelly 430e93d tonacsd 

Can you please clarify what you mean by “locked users?”

This is the field that I am referring to


Sorry about the late response our district was closed on Friday

@DKelly 430e93d tonacsd 

Thank you for clarifying. Currently, you can not filter by “locked users.” 

Created an idea for filter by locked users



I just had an Idea would it be possible to allow user import to change locked users and their metadata. As this is isn’t an outside app. This would help me to either unlock my users or add metadata to their accounts while keeping them locked and not updated by an sso sync?

@DKelly 430e93d tonacsd That is a wonderful idea. Would you mind submitting this to our Idea Exchange?

Sure here is the link 

