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What permissions do I need to add labor to the mobile app? 

Hi ​@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd ! The permissions should be consistent from the web to mobile app. Do you have this permission selected for the user(s) you are referring to?

Happy to troubleshoot!

@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd 
Piggybacking on what ​@Melissa_iiQ stated above, the permission needed would be ‘work tickets’ under the ‘Ticket’ section:

Hope this helps!

I have iiAdministrator permission but this is what I see on my mobile device.


Hi EStapf_iiQ 


I just updated the Agents permissions like you have in the screenshot but my permissions was already setup that way. I’m sure it’s user error on my part lol.

Thanks to both of  you for responding so quickly! 

@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd 

I’m doing some additional checking on our end but I believe this is only available in mobile for the iiQ Facilities module at this time. I’ll follow up when I hear back from our Product Team. Thank you!

I just submitted a support ticket for this issue. Thank you for your assists. 

@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd 
I’ve been able to confirm with ​@hstrickland_iiQ that currently the ability to add labor to tickets via the mobile app is restricted to the iiQ Facilities module. It is on our roadmap to add that feature on the Ticketing module, but I don’t have a timeline for that. 
It looks like there is not an idea in the Exchange for this yet. I encourage you to submit your idea with information on (the obvious reasons) the why behind this being an important enhancement. 
Thanks so much for reaching out here in the iiQ Community!
