As our use of iIQ has evolved, we’ve arrived at a unanimous consensus on our large Tech Team that Parents being able to login to iiQ is a requirement. So we’ve been starting testing. Why do we feel this way? We have a very large # of TK-12 students, mostly remote where the Parent plays a major part of the communication with Tech.
Yet, this response has me very concerned about how we would proceed? SIS created Parents cannot login to iiQ? Why? Any other users have comments on this?
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Most of our SIS integrations have the option of creating Parent accounts. It is the ‘Import other users’ check box.
Ours is already set that way. So why would the iiQ rep respond to my ticket that way? Have you granted permissions to your Parent Role to be able to log into iiQ? By default anyone in that role does not have permission to log into iiQ. You will need to add it to that permission set. It looks something like this (depending on what you want them to be able to do) when it’s finished:
And how is a password set for those Parents that get accounts created vis SIS import?
The permissions were already set. And I have it applied to a Local iiQ - Parent account for a personal email that I created. I had to get some additional clarification on this one and worked with our Product and Support teams!
The support response was correct—parents will have to use the “Reveal Alternative Login Options” link to set their initial passwords. Please note that this is not a best practice nor recommended.
Please note that even after logging in, more permissions may still be needed for parents to have the ability to submit tickets:
View User list and details
View asset list and details
If you would like parents to submit tickets to iiQ, we highly recommend using our Remote Support Ticketing Form, as it was designed with parents in mind! Using the Remote Support Ticketing form will capture enough information from parents that is needed to create an account for them in iiQ for ticket tracking purposes. The RST form also gives your team the ability to restrict which types of tickets are available for parents during ticket submission, and ensures that your team captures critical information needed from parents upfront through the use of custom fields. Parents can also easily communicate with the IT team on Open Tickets via email, eliminating the need for them to remember a password specifically for iiQ. Some districts have even used the Remote Support Form as a generic contact form if you simply need to allow parents to have the ability to contact your team.
In addition to this form, email-to-ticket functionality can be enabled specifically for Parent-initiated requests by allowing external email addresses to create tickets. Districts can use the Rules Engine to create custom mailboxes specifically for parent support, which can then be routed and classified accordingly. A guest account will automatically be created for the parent in iiQ to track ticket history.
@Kathryn Carter I don’t see what you are instructing me to do. There is no option to set a password. In regard to the Remote Support Form, it is not an ideal solution.
Email to ticket functionality is not something that we want to turn on. It will not provide enough information.
I don’t understand… if you don’t want Parents to login… then why do you mention in on your websites and sales… and offer it in the Settings.
I explained in another post where I’m surveying other iiQ users… there are MANY families at our schools with several children (up to 10, yes 10 kids… the most, but average is probably 2+). The email communication from iiQ will truncate information, is difficult to follow, sometimes difficult to find in an Inbox, and only get more complicated when there are multiple tickets happening at the same time. Not to mention a Parent may want to see their ticket history for review… and have all of their student related tickets in one place.
Same way that an Agent needs a list of tickets… a Parent needs a list of tickets.
I find it very off putting that a support/help desk solution is saying that the people that need support the most, Parents in my opinion, are to do it all via email.
This seems very strange to me based on my work experience.
Thank you for your feedback. I have looped in our Product team for this as well.