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is there a way for a media specialist to scan loaners in and out of IIQ if I give them agent account permissions, or what permissions would they need to have to scan assets in and out?

Good Morning ​@MReid 777163d nbpsnj ! There is a section under permissions regarding issuing Spares. Please see screenshot below. 


I would create a Media Specialist team and create a custom permission policy, including the Spare Pool permissions you would like them to have, and assign the permission to that team.


Please let me know if that makes sense!

Thank you for the quick response.  I will try this out with one specialist at first and then see if i need to tweak things going forward!

@MReid 777163d nbpsnj Sounds great. Let me know if you need further assistance!

If i create a new policy, I have to check  “Log into Incident IQ”, correct?

@MReid 777163d nbpsnj that is correct, you would need to give them Login Access.

You could potentially use the ‘Agent Policy’ and make a copy that way it mimics Agent Out of the Box permissions and then adjust as needed for that team.
