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print a User device report

Is there a way to print a user device report?

We are looking to provide students a print out of how many devices the have checked out to them.

15 replies

Userlevel 7
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@Doug-hall Thank you for submitting your question! 

You are going to head to users and then add the filter “ User Attribute, Has Assigned Device” 

The columns tab let you customize what specific information will be printed! 

You can then export this view, hitting the additional option drop down in the right corner. 

I hope this is what you are looking for 😄

Userlevel 7
Badge +16

There is another filter for “Multiple Devices” 



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This report exports all the students and does not show the devices they have checked out. We are looking for a way to print out a single students name the devices they have checked out to them and the date they were checked out.

Userlevel 7
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@Doug-hall Currently,  to include the check out date in a column is not something we can accomplish.  That would be a great idea to submit into our Idea Exchange:

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Is there a way to get a report that exports the devices as well as the student names. I see that you said check out date cannot be added but none of the exports I have tried give an option to list the device(s) as well. When I look at the columns for the export, I can’t find (or see where to add) a column that would include device name or asset number.


Userlevel 7
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@swaymeye Under View settings, add the column “Asset” and it will give you the device with the asset with the asset tag number and location. 


Badge +1

When exporting a user there is not an option for assets assigned.

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I guess you just have to use Assets Explorer instead of Users Explorer if you want a list of devices. It just seems more intuitive to start in Users Explorer for certain reports. It would be nice if you could add the Asset option for Users Explorer searches.


Userlevel 7
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@Doug-hall Here is an idea in our idea exchange to have the filter option universal



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Hi, I am trying to export a report of multiple devices assigned to users that has the assets included. I am only able to view the report, but not export it. Is there a way to export this report? I am not seeing a way to run this same report in Assets only Users. 

Userlevel 7
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@Janell I am recreating what you have described in my system. I went to user explorer and created a new view. Once I added the multiple device filter, I added the Standard Asset column. 


Once you have all the information, head to the right corner to hit “export”. Once you do that, you can make sure that you are including all the information you want to include. I hope this helps 😄


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I have tried this but after selecting export there is no column choice to add the assets assigned to the user. You can see them on the view but can’t export them.

Userlevel 7
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^^ a couple of ideas to upvote regarding exporting assets information.

Currently, we do not export all asset information—only specific data fields. @Doug-hall 

Userlevel 1
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@Kathryn Carter I know this is old, but I’m trying to export a view with all of the assets checked out to users. I’ve set it up exactly like you showed, however when I exported it, the “Assets” column is just blank in the Excel file. As you can see below, it’s almost like all of the assets should be listed, but it’s just blank. I’ve tried changing text color in case somehow it exported the devices in white text, but no luck. Any suggestions?


Userlevel 7
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@TMatsuya 8234910 apsb Which view is this on your site? I exported a view and was able to see the devices, so I want to check this specific view. 
