
Sort "Devices recently used by" date, and add tag number column

  • 8 March 2024
  • 6 replies

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Under “Users>Devices Recently Used by section”. Is there a way to sort by the date last used? and can a column for the tag number be added?

Student who forgets or have their device out for service, are able to borrow a DEPOT device, but the devices listed under recently used to seem to be in any type of order. Just randomly listed. Sorting by date would give us the ability to see which devices were used last.

And this section only shows the serial number of a device, and under the device section only shows the tag number, so to verify the device assigned to the student is the device the student is using, you need to dig into the device detail to see if the serial number matches up. Have both the tag and serial number listed on both would be helpful, or to just the have the same info show on both.   


Best answer by JHaynia 557de4d mccsd 14 March 2024, 17:01

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
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@JHaynia 557de4d mccsd Thank you for submitting your question to our community! 😄

Are you referring to a custom view or within the User Profile? You can create a custom view and add columns. 

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No not a custom view, within the user profile. I search for a user, or link to the user through a ticket which brings me to that users profile, devies, schedule, etc. Setting up a custom view to look this up is really not a good option.

Userlevel 7
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@JHaynia 557de4d mccsd Here is an idea that is similar to what you are describing. 


Userlevel 4
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@JHaynia 557de4d mccsd - I agree that this would be great to have a bit more information in the Devices Recently Used section by adding Asset Tag. Sorting by date would be great too! This section contains data from the hosted solution that you use (for us it is Intune) so I’d suspect this would need to be updated between the two systems. 


Userlevel 7
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@Erica Great call out! 😄

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@Erica Thank you for clarifing my request. I also added this question as idea suggestion. Hopefully others upvote it and this becomes an available option on a future system update

