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We currently run Powerschool and I am sure you are all aware of the situation with them, but I have a feeling in the future we will have to look at potentially switching SIS systems.  I was just wondering if anyone has gone through this before with IIQ and is the process easy? 


Anything to look out for with old student/staff profiles already created? 


Will the user records/device assignments just merge automatically if we do end up switching?



Hi ​@JRood 877c5a lvpioneers ! Thank you for your question.

I am not aware of any negative implications with transferring from one SIS to another.

I do however recommend allowing iiQ to handle this for you when you are ready to do so. There are a few behind the scenes things that need to be done. Is your district working with a Customer Success Manager or in Onboarding?

Hi ​@JRood 877c5a lvpioneers ! Thank you for your question.

I am not aware of any negative implications with transferring from one SIS to another.

I do however recommend allowing iiQ to handle this for you when you are ready to do so. There are a few behind the scenes things that need to be done. Is your district working with a Customer Success Manager or in Onboarding?

I believe we do work with a Customer Success Manager.

@JRood 877c5a lvpioneers Once you are ready to make the switch, please submit a ticket to our support team. They will be able to escalate the request to the proper team. Thanks so much! 


@JRood 877c5a lvpioneers Thanks for posting this question on Community! I’m your Customer Success Manager and look forward to working with you all. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions you need answered.
