@CLee 1176405 shakopee Thank you for submitting your question to our community!
Looks like our team is looking into this issue. I hope to provide more information after their investigation.
Support ran some processes on back end and things are good again.
@CLee 1176405 shakopee Glad to hear it!
I’m having the same issue in my District. How can we report this to get it fix?
@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd Please submit a ticket to support. Here are all the ways you can get in contact with them:
@MStewart 580d802 montgomeryisd
Opened a case with support and included screen captures of examples where user was in source sync (EntraID) but could not find them under ticket requester, global search, or user explorer. It did take some time before the ticket was picked up (about 2-3 days).