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Is there a way to create a view for students that have multiple devices checked out to them? When Google Sync’d some devices had a student’s ID in different devices checking multiple out to them.  We want to go through them and make sure the student only has one.  Thank you,

@FGonz Thank you for submitting your question to our Community. 

Good News! We have a user filter called “Multiple Devices.” This filter will allow you to pull up students with multiple devices checked out to them!

I hope this helps 😄

@Kathryn Carter 

i was totally looking for it in the wrong location.  I was in Asset Views not User.

Thank you 😊


@FGonz Happy to help! I also looked at assets first as well! 😄

Hi, the multiple device filter is missing.  Is there a possibility there was an update that moved/removed the filter?

@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 Are you starting with the Users section? It is only available from there. Multiple Devices does not show up in the Assets filters.

Oversite on my end, that will do it! 



@TJuarez 703c3e5 palermok8 I get things mixed up ALL the time. Glad I could help.

I really like the multiple assets view but would like to also filter it to only show if they have multiple laptops assigned to them (not chargers they have checked out). Additionally, I would like to use that filter to see who does not have a laptop checked out at all. Right now, I can use the multiple devices filter to see who has more than 1 device assigned as well as no devices assigned, but not specific to the laptop (model). Any suggestions?

@kfaucheux since it’s a “user” filter, I don’t think you can achieve that with just one view. What I have done is exported the list of users with multiple devices, then used that data to create an asset view. Downside is that’s not dynamic :( 

For the “no assigned device” part, are you looking at student devices, staff, or both? Is one model of device assigned to just students?

There are two ideas for y’all to check out about this topic:


Thank you ​@AMeyer Greendale Schools! I was able to export as you suggested and it does give me what I need for now. For the “no assigned device,” I’m looking for students who have no laptop assigned. I know there are ways of finding them but was hoping to make a user view for our Helpdesk.

I like the ideas of voting to make this update in IIQ so we can easily pull it out. Thank you ​@Kathryn Carter! I’ve voted!

@kfaucheux depending on how many assets get checked out to students, you might get part of the way by creating a User view that includes the User Attribute filter of Has Assigned Device. Choose that, then check Exclude Selected, and you’ll have a list of students without any devices. Screenshot below for reference.



@AMeyer Greendale Schools  I already have this view but looking at your image makes me think I can adjust our location to something different for the chargers vs. the laptops and that would be one way to find them. Thanks for your input!
